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Famous Caterers

    Information about Famous Caterers

    Established in the year 2011, Famous Caterers in Borivali West, Mumbai is a top player in the category Caterers in the Mumbai. This well-known establishment acts as a one-stop destination servicing customers both local and from other parts of Mumbai. Over the course of its journey, this business has established a firm foothold in it’s industry. The belief that customer satisfaction is as important as their products and services, have helped this establishment garner a vast base of customers, which continues to grow by the day. This business employs individuals that are dedicated towards their respective roles and put in a lot of effort to achieve the common vision and larger goals of the company. In the near future, this business aims to expand its line of products and services and cater to a larger client base. In Mumbai, this establishment occupies a prominent location in Borivali West. It is an effortless task in commuting to this establishment as there are various modes of transport readily available. It is known to provide top service in the following categories: Caterers, Biryani Caterers, Caterers (Upto 100 Persons), Caterers (Upto 50 Persons), Caterers (Upto 25 Persons), Biryani Caterers (Upto 150 Persons), Biryani Caterers (Upto 250 Persons), Biryani Caterers (Upto 500 Persons).

    Service Speciality

    • Special Chaat & Street Food

    • Special Customised Menu

    Cuisines offered

    • Others

    Forms of payment accepted

    • Cash

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